Practicing Prayer

In this first week of Lent we began a Thursday Morning Prayer Office at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian at 7:00 AM - the sun was high enough on the horizon to welcome us! We were a small group of four at this initial gathering. It may never grow beyond four, which frankly doesn’t bother me one way or the other; this time is simply an attempt to illustrate that the church is a collection of practices lived out by those following in the way of Jesus. We want to model and offer ways of practicing the faith in life giving ways, and this particular one is establishing the practice of prayer. There are many ways to pray, but praying as a community is surely one of the most important ones in our formation as disciples. The morning office also connects us to Christians all over the world praying similar words at similar times. Knowing that disciples in Africa, Asia, and the Ukraine are praying the Lord’s Prayer together reminds us of our unity and solidarity with all those who still believe that the way of Jesus makes the most sense as a way of hope in a violent, disordered, and chaotic world. Attending this gathering will not get you a holiness badge, or may not stop a war, but it will shape and form your life into the way of Jesus and his coming kingdom, and may well bring you some joy as well! GS